Du unterstützt und berätst Fachbereiche und IT mit aktuellsten Erkenntnissen aus DLT-Architekturen und wirkst beim Produktionsbetrieb aus Architekturperspektive mit … Programmiererfahrung in einschlägigen Programmiersprachen wie Solidity etc
Do you have knowledge on different blockchain platforms like Ethereum? Loves to work with other amazing people? Then this is the perfect role for you! Roles & Responsibilities - Leading the development of smart contracts and the performance of blockchain integration with existing applications
Design, develop, and maintain secure, efficient, and upgradable smart contracts using Solidity - Implement upgradable contract patterns (e.g., UUPS, Diamond Storage) to ensure flexibility and maintainability - Develop, test, and deploy smart contracts using Hardhat and related development tools
Paris, France … Paris, France - Permanent contract / CDI - We’re the forever innovators. On a mission that goes beyond business. Securing digital ownership in a changing world … Fluency in Solidity and Rust including secure programming in these languages
hirschen.com - Jobnewsletter abonnieren … Praxiskenntnisse und erste Erfahrungen in Fast-Prototyping in mindestens einer der folgenden Programmiersprachen Libraries: Python, Solidity, JavaScript/TypeScript, Go, Qiskit, Dwave Ocean SDK
Frankfurt am Main - Start date: ab sofort … Praxiskenntnisse und erste Erfahrungen in Fast-Prototyping in mindestens einer der folgenden Programmiersprachen Libraries: Python, Solidity, JavaScript/TypeScript, Go, Qiskit, Dwave Ocean SDK
Frankfurt am Main - Betriebskantine/-restaurant … Praxiskenntnisse und erste Erfahrungen in Fast-Prototyping in mindestens einer der folgenden Programmiersprachen Libraries: Python, Solidity, JavaScript/TypeScript, Go, Qiskit, Dwave Ocean SDK
Custom Field 1: Architecture - Custom Field 3: Architecture - Country/Region: VN … Good understanding and experience in web3 technologies (EVM, Smart Contract development, Solidity, Hardhat, UUPS, ethers.js, Alchemy, Fireblocks, etc
At Anchorage Digital, we are building the world’s most advanced digital asset platform for institutions to participate in crypto. Anchorage Digital is a crypto platform that enables institutions to participate in digital assets through custody, staking, trading, governance, settlement, and the industry's leading security …